Dairy: One of the biggest myths of our time

How many times growing up kids hear things like, “Milk does a body good” or “Drink your milk so you have healthy teeth and bones”?  We grow up constantly hearing that we must consume milk, or suffer the terrible consequences. Lies and nonsense. In fact, we shouldn’t drink milk at all. Of course I’m not talking about mother’s (human) milk, which is designed by nature to be the perfect food for human babies, providing them with all the nutrition they need for the first six months of their life. In the same way cow’s milk is designed by nature to be the perfect food… exclusively for calves, not for human beings. Human’s milk composition is very different to cow’s milk composition.

Contrary to the popular belief, which has been forcefully implanted into our minds by the multibillion dollar dairy corporation,  milk and all dairy products such as cheese, yogurts, butter, etc, aren’t an optimal source of calcium. This is one of the biggest myths of our time.  Milk actually promotes decalcification of our bones.This is why countries where the dairy consumption is higher have a much higher rate of osteoporosis. On the other hand, those who don’t consume dairy have the strongest and healthiest bones.

For accurate and factual information on this check out The China Study, by Dr T. Colin Campbell (The China Study, considered the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T…), and the works of other doctors such as Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and others (Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Greger and Dr. Neal Barnard) who have studied the subject thoroughly for over 40 years, and the relationship between the consumption of animal products, including dairy, and chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes type II, autoimmune diseases, MS (multiple sclerosis), arthritis and many cancers such as breast, prostate and bowel.

Casein is one of the most potent carcinogen substances ever found.

The study also concluded that casein, which is a main component of milk and makes over 80% of the proteins in cow’s milk, is one of the most potent carcinogen substances (for humans) ever found and a nation’s most significant dietary carcinogen.

In fact, the connection between casein and cancer was so profound that the scientists could literally turn cancer growth on and off like a light switch, simply by altering the level of casein protein in the diet. They also found out that plant protein, tested exactly in the same way, did no promote cancer growth at all, even at higher levels of intake. The cancer-promoting factor was cow’s milk.

Dairy has a very high phosphoric acid content and so, as our alkaline bodies cannot absorb it optimally. Animal protein, including dairy, increases the acidity of blood and tissues. In order to neutralize this acid, calcium is excreted from the bones, which weakens them and puts them at greater risk for fracture.

But don’t expect to see this information as an announcement on the TV anytime soon. If you ask yourself “if this is true, how come we haven’t been informed and we keep being told to consume plenty of dairy?” the answer will be this: Come on, do you really believe everything the mass media and the government are telling you? Hey, we are talking about the dairy industry = multi-billion dollar industry. They want you to consume as much dairy as possible…cows’ milk, yogurts, protein powders, goats’ milk is in fashion now too, cheese, ice-creams. And don’t forget to add some extra double cheese to that.

As you may know “these people” don’t give much of a dam about your health. Yet, at the same time, you will see a considerable amount of calcium supplements all over the place. Yes, our friend the big pharma industry also takes part in this, and benefits nicely from it. If dairy is so good for you and the vast majority of people consume considerable amounts on a daily basis, how come that people still need so many extra calcium supplements and the rates of osteoporosis keep rising, specifically in countries where dairy consumption is the highest? You now know the answer. They just want your money, and for you to obey and comply. As usual.

In any case, this shouldn’t be hard to believe, as if you think about it logically, cows produce milk only for one reason: to feed their calves. Just like humans, and just like all the other species. They don’t produce milk magically out of the blue or for cats, or horses, or humans. Their milk isn’t designed by nature for human consumption, like hippo milk, or giraffe milk, or dog’s milk. Cows’ milk is the perfect meal, but only for calves, which need to grow very fast in just a few weeks. This is one of the reasons why it naturally also has over 35 different types of hormones. And if you think these crazy amount of hormones may mess up our human bodies you are right.

This is normal and natural. It makes sense:

Some people may be tempted to reject this information and say something like “this is bullshit and a lie”. My suggestion is to do your research on the subject and on the studies carried out and the conclusions reached, which are based on solid evidence.  Then, together with the common sense regarding why other animals produce milk, decide who you are going to believe: the independent conclusive research of a “bunch”of doctors and professionals who aren’t financially benefiting from this, or to the dairy-industry-guys with the big fat wallets? Adding a good dose of common sense to their knowledge and evidence should help to clearly see that we have been sold big some big white lies and a false dairy dream for far too long. At the end of the day, both Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. T Colin Campbell grew up on dairy farms, so their findings go against the very thing that supported their families.

Ok, but what about raw milk, lactose free milk, goat’s milk, organic milk or low fat milk? Surely these are good for you?

Well, the above applies to ALL milk that comes from an animal source. Humans, like the rest of animals, once weaned don’t need to consume ANY other milk at all for the rest of their lives. Not from our mothers, and certainly not from another animal species which was intended by nature to feed their own babies. If you still like having milk (I do for cereals and some drinks) there are many other plant-based alternatives: soy (please let’s not get into the “soy-is-bad-for-you mumbo-jumbo, which is mainly another fairy tale and lie from the dairy industry. Soy is perfectly fine. Period), hemp, hazelnut, rice, almond, coconut and oats to name a few. Out of all this, at least you will love one. There are also dairy free yogurts and “butters” and spreads.

It’s sad, as when the guys with the big fat wallets at the dairy circus feel questioned about this they tend to come up with some new ridiculous “super-product” like “fat-free milk” or “healthy milk” or “calcium enriched milk”, or “the-bomb milk”, or “raw milk from cows who have a black tail” or “let’s-all-have-goats-milk-now” in an attempt to take us all again for another ride. As long as the milk comes from an animal the issue will remain. As this isn’t natural or normal for us and our bodies not only don’t need it but fight against it too, which can be manifested in many different ways, such as via allergies, tiredness, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, swollen joints, low immune system…and then developing into osteoporosis, arthritis, osteopenia…) It’s a fact that about 75% of the population is lactose intolerant. However, it isn’t just about the lactose (which should be a clear and enough sign to tell us that we shouldn’t be drinking this anyway), but about the dairy itself. So yes, you guessed it right: having “lactose-free” or “organic” milk isn’t the solution either, but simply one of those ridiculous “super-products” the dairy clowns come up with. Just don’t have dairy and the problem is fixed. It really is that simple.

Ok, le’ts use our common sense: Is this normal or natural to you?

And this?

The less dairy, the better the bones and the better your overall health.

In my case, I was tired very often, too often, and I had no idea why. The doctors would always tell me the same: “your blood work is fine, you are fit, young and healthy. It must be in your head.” But it wasn’t in my head, and I knew this. I was so exhausted so many times,without any apparent reason, that it was really getting to me. I could feel that something was wrong, but couldn’t find out what because all seemed to be ok. So I kind of got used to live feeling tired often. Nice. Then I decided to switch from vegetarian to vegan, not for health reasons, I didn’t know much about how dairy affects our health then, but for ethical reasons. So I ditched dairy completely and radically. I had stopped drinking cows’ milk over 12 years ago, but I was still eating quite a lot of cheese, and some yogurts. Just 2 weeks later someone told me “Wow, you haven’t complained about being tired for 2 weeks!” And then it hit me. It was that dramatic for me. I then realized that since ditching the dairy the tiredness had disappeared. It was an unexpected surprise. It was the dairy which was making me so tired. Of course everybody is different and it affects people in different ways, with different symptoms and for some it may take considerably longer than 2 weeks to see/feel the improvements. I then started studying the subject and got to know about many other different cases. Like a customer whose knee used to swell up regularly and unexpectedly. Doctors didn’t know why (that’s a surprise) and just kept giving her different drugs to try (and another surprise). She ditched dairy 100% and the knee didn’t swell up again. Someone else who was diagnosed with Osteopenia and has seen a considerable improvement in her bones since cutting out dairy. She used to have trouble sleeping because her bones would ache so bad, but since omitting dairy from her diet her bones no longer ache and now sleeps like a baby. She has had bone density scans before & after the dairy that show the considerable improvement.

So where do I get  calcium from?

When it comes to getting enough calcium we really don’t need to worry much about this. It’s all a part of the mass panic and fear mongering campaign, same as with the protein fairy tale and vitamins and supplements galore.The first step is to ditch the dairy products as this is what contributes to create the problem in the first place. From here, you are on the good road.

Then the best sources for calcium are the following ones: leafy greens such as kale, broccoli and spinach, seeds, seaweed, and also almonds and beans.

These are the natural ones that we should consume, highest, optimally absorbable by the human bodies, unlike the ones from animal origin, and not damaging. And we don’t need crazy amounts of calcium either. More important for bone health than calcium is also vitamin D. The best way to get enough of this is from natural sunlight. We don’t need a lot either. And the other key thing to have strong bones is weight-bearing and strength exercises. This is very important.

I have studied this subject thoroughly and for a long time  so I feel very confident talking about it and enjoy sharing this information with others, which I hope will find useful and life-changing.

I will soon be posting a more in depth article about dairy, all the reasons why you should stay away from it and how to replace it easily.

Thank you for reading.

Evany Ibáñez-Banczer

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